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Cooler Friday ahead of a hot and mostly dry weekend

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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Temperatures are in the mid-eighties under sunny skies this Thursday mid-afternoon in Steamboat Springs. An approaching storm from the southwest will bring cooler temperatures on Friday with a chance for some showers during the day and night. But hot temperatures return on a Saturday with some low-end afternoon shower chances before even warmer temperatures and increasingly breezy conditions appear for Sunday.

An eddy of low pressure that spent the week vacationing off the coast of southern California is on the move thanks to a large and cold storm approaching the Pacific Northwest Coast from the Gulf of Alaska. The eddy is forecast to move across the Desert Southwest tonight and Colorado on Friday, bringing our high temperatures down from the upper-eighties today, over ten degrees above our average temperature of 75 F, to around 80 F on Friday.

Precipitation looked more substantial several days ago, but the amount of moisture in the storm has decreased, limiting the amount of rain we may see from periodic showers that should last through Friday and Friday night.

Saturday will start a bit cooler than the last few days, with lows several degrees above our average of 39 F, but lots of sun will allow the high temperatures to rise back to the low-eighties. There will also be a chance of some afternoon and evening storms thanks to moisture left behind from the Friday storm.

Meanwhile, the Pacific Northwest storm will rotate toward the Great Basin on Sunday, and breezy winds from the southwest ahead of the storm will accompany the mid-eighty degree high temperatures. This looks to persist through Monday as the Pacific Northwest storm moves through the Great Basin, with dry and substantially cooler weather advertised for Tuesday.

Enjoy your weekend, and check back for more details on the Tuesday cool-down in my next regularly scheduled weather narrative on Sunday afternoon.

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27 September 2024

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