Tempest Weather Station
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Steamboat Springs area weather forecast from Thursday

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Another large Pacific storm has split along the West Coast, with the dominant southern portion forming a large closed low cutoff from the jet stream and the northern branch speeding eastward north of the Canadian border. Energy ejected over our area from the cutoff low to our southwest may bring light showers to our area as soon as noon on Friday, but the showers will likely become strong by the afternoon and be accompanied by thunder as a cool front from the northern stream adds additional lift and instability to the atmosphere. Snow levels will be quite high in this warm storm, likely staying above 10,000′.

There is still uncertainty in the details, but a slot of dry air is forecast to be over or east of our area Saturday morning, possibly bringing some sun to start the day. However, showers will once again reform, possibly becoming strong with thunder in the afternoon, as more energy is ejected from the southwest storm.

We may have some sun for Mother’s Day morning, though the latest model trends have that less likely, before more showers reform in the unsettled weather for the afternoon. Additionally, the afternoon storms may be stronger than I thought yesterday.

By Monday, the storm will be east of us, though we will still be susceptible to showers during the day as energy rotates around the backside of the low.

A colder storm from the Pacific Northwest is forecast to quickly follow this storm after a brief break during Tuesday, keeping the active weather going for later in the day Tuesday and Wednesday, with snow a possibility down to the valley floor of Steamboat.

Steamboat Springs area weather forecast from Wednesday

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Thursday will likely be the warmest day of the season so far, though there will be a threat of afternoon and evening storms, possibly with thunder, as south or southwesterly winds bring some moisture over Colorado ahead of yet another large Pacific storm.

This new storm is in the process of splitting as it approaches the West Coast, with the southern portion forming a large closed low cutoff from the jet stream while the northern branch speeds eastward north of the Canadian border. Energy ejected over our area from the cutoff low to our southwest may bring light showers to our area as soon as noon on Friday, but the showers will likely become strong by the afternoon and be accompanied by thunder as a cool front from the northern stream adds additional lift and instability to the atmosphere.

There is still uncertainty in the track of the storm, but a slot of dry air is forecast to be over the area by around Saturday morning bringing some sun to start the day. However, showers will once again reform, possibly becoming strong with thunder in the afternoon, as more energy is ejected from the southwest storm.

We may have some sun for Mother’s Day morning before before more showers reform in the unsettled weather for the afternoon. However, the showers should be lighter than the previous couple of days as we will be in the eye of the storm by the evening.

By Monday, the storm will be east of us, though we will still be susceptible to showers during the day as energy rotates around the backside of the low.

A colder storm from the Pacific Northwest is forecast to quickly follow this storm, keeping the active weather going for Tuesday and Wednesday, with snow a possibility down to 7000′.

Steamboat Springs area weather forecast from Tuesday afternoon

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The warming trend will continue for Wednesday and Thursday with the warmest temperatures of the season, though there will be a threat of afternoon and possibly evening storms by later Thursday, possibly with thunder, as yet another large storm looks to cross the coast then.

Energy ejected over our area will bring breezy south to southwest winds, moisture and lift that will fuel the Thursday afternoon storms. The new storm is then forecast to move eastward across the Great Basin, with rain showers becoming more likely after noon on Friday, with possibly strong afternoon and evening thunderstorms.

There is still uncertainty in the track of the storm, but it appears that we may have some sun for the mornings of Mother’s Day weekend before more showers reform in the unsettled weather for the afternoon. There may be some snowflakes around during the nights, but the warm nature of the storm should keep accumulating snowfall above 9000 or 10000′.

The storm will be another slow-mover, affecting our weather through the beginning of the next work week.

Steamboat Springs area weather forecast from Monday afternoon

Monday, May 2, 2016

A weak wave from the north moves mostly east of our area tonight through tomorrow morning, and though it may bring some clouds overnight and into Tuesday morning, the northerly push keeps the weather associated with the old Great Basin storm to our south for another cool spring day with mostly sunny skies by Tuesday afternoon.

The warm-up arrives in earnest for Wednesday and Thursday with a welcome dose of above average temperatures for a change, though it now appears there will be a threat of afternoon and possibly evening storms by later Thursday as yet another large storm looks to cross the coast then.

Energy ejected over our area will bring breezy southwest winds, moisture and lift that will fuel the Thursday afternoon storms. The new storm is then forecast to move eastward, possibly first bringing a dry slot of air over the area for part of Friday before another round of afternoon storms, and then inclement weather to our area for Mother’s Day weekend. There is a fair bit of uncertainty as to the storms track and that will determine how wet the weekend will be.

Steamboat Springs area weather forecast from Sunday afternoon

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Much drier air has moved over our area as promised today bringing a beautiful spring day with lots of sun and cool, breezy northeasterly winds.

The storm that was initially forecast to bring inclement weather to our for today and tomorrow now looks to say south of us as the cool northerly flow continues Monday, bringing a mostly similar day to today.

A weak wave from the north moves mostly east of our area Monday night, and though it may bring some clouds overnight and into Tuesday morning, the northerly push keeps the weather associated with the old Great Basin storm to our south for another cool spring day with mostly sunny skies by the afternoon.

The warm-up arrives in earnest for Wednesday and Thursday with a welcome dose of above average temperatures for a change, though it now appears there will be a threat of afternoon and possibly evening storms by later Thursday as yet another large storm looks to affect cross the coast then.

Energy ejected over our area will bring breezy southwest winds, moisture and lift that will fuel the late Thursday storms. The storm is then forecast to move eastward and possibly bring inclement weather to our area for Mother’s Day weekend.

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