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Cold front blasts through around 3pm and snows to last through the weekend

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Cold air is currently pouring into our region accompanied with a burst of heavy snowfall. I’ve received 2” of snow on my deck that fell in the hour and a half between 3:50pm and 5:20pm, and I still expect 6-12” in the Thursday morning report. Snowfall will moderate and become more showery in nature as the morning progresses as additional weaker pieces of energy pass over our area.

Snow may end or become very light in the afternoon and evening before another wave carrying moist air in northwest flow increases snowfall again by early Friday morning. I might expect 3-6” on the Friday morning report, and moderate to light snowfall will likely continue through Friday evening before another brief lull. However, the flow backs from the northwest to the west, and some models predict westerly winds Friday, especially in the afternoon and evening as the airmass stabilizes a bit behind the morning wave.

I’m always concerned when I see moderate to strong westerly winds as not only can they adversely affect lift operations, but they blow directly up the slopes of Steamboat’s mostly west facing terrain, creating drifting and compacting the snow.

I might expect another 4-8” on the hill by Saturday morning before yet another moist wave in northwest flow will graze the area starting Saturday evening, leaving another 2-4” for the morning report. This will keep snow going on the hill through the day Sunday and into the evening. Again, this wave may be accompanied by westerly flow, though wind speeds will be less than on Friday.

Currently forecasts have snow ending by Sunday night, but for likely less than 24 hours as another system is forecast to impact our weather on Tuesday. This one is the result of cross-polar flow bringing frigid air from Siberia across the North Pole and into western Canada where it is forecast to be pulled southward by the persistent Hudson Bay low. As in some of the previous arctic outbreaks this winter, the brunt of the cold air will slide to our west, tormenting the midwest and eventually east coast with possibly their coldest temperatures of this winter season.

Quick view of our soon-to-be stormy weather through the weekend

Monday, February 17, 2014

I’ve run out of time today for a detailed forecast, but wanted to mention that the return of winter still looks to be on track for Wednesday afternoon.

The American model solutions have trended stronger and colder with the lead wave ejecting from the Gulf of Alaska low, similar to the European model. After a nice Tuesday with some high clouds in the afternoon, snow showers will begin around midday Wednesday. Moderate to heavy snow will become likely by sunset, around when the surface cold front is expected to pass through the area. I expect 6-12” on the hill by Thursday morning, with snow showers tapering off toward noon.

There will be breaks, but a number of waves embedded in the cool northwest flow promise unsettled conditions through the weekend, especially during the day Friday and overnight Saturday. This storm cycle will be unlike the previous 2 warm events, and more similar to the cold storms previous to those.

Snow for Sunday night before Gulf of Alaska low impacts our weather beginning Wednesday

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Wow - I had another bad forecast for this morning, as even my reduced 3-6” was far too optimistic. We received no snow in 24 hours. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Abasin and Loveland both picked up 5”, with 4” at Copper, and most resorts received something. It did appear on satellite that the moisture plume was south of us, but the models insisted we would see at least light accumulations.

I’m having a tough time forecasting these warm events. Last week, the models over-forecasted for our area, though we still received over 2 feet of snow. With significant precipitation falling from the previous storm, I was ready to believe part of the model forecast, but this time was a bust. My inclination is to be heavily biased against these warm events in a stabilizing atmosphere because we generally don’t do well from them. Evidently, today and yesterday were more the rule, and last week was more the exception, with the cold air trapped in the valleys possibly being a key player in producing snow.

With that being said, the next compact storm will bring light snow into the area by Sunday afternoon. This wave moves quickly over our area Sunday evening, likely bringing a burst of snowfall with falling temperatures. I’d like to think we’ll receive 3-6” from this as we do get some cool air and upward motion with the wave as it passes through.

Dry air quickly invades the area Monday behind the departing storm for around 24 hours as temperatures quickly warm. The storm currently in the Gulf of Alaska is forecast to move over the area in at least two pieces, with the first bringing high clouds into the area later on Tuesday and Wednesday. There is a surface cold front associated with this lead wave which should pass through the area Wednesday evening bringing a period of moderate to heavy snowfall.

Snows should decrease Thursday morning before another 24 hour break before the main part of the very cold Gulf of Alaska storm brings another front into the area on Friday. Snowfall in seasonally cold weather will likely continue through part of the weekend.

More snow tonight, Sunday night and midweek

Friday, February 14, 2014

Well, a disappointing forecast for today as I expected 6-12”, and the Steamboat ski area reported 1” mid / 3” top this morning. We did get the cool air I expected, and the wind direction was favorable, but the storm did not produce for us, though the Summit County resorts and Winter Park did pick up around 7”. I’m currently attributing this to spottier moisture than forecast, but I’m willing to entertain other ideas. The skiing was very good though, as the dense snow provided a soft and creamy surface yesterday and today.

Considering how much less snow was in last night’s storm than originally forecast, I’ll lower my expectations to 3-6” by tomorrow morning before the main part of the storm passes. Showers will likely continue through the day and most of the evening before a small break ahead of the next wave which is currently trending weaker in the model guidance. Showers will begin again later Sunday morning and peak around midnight, leaving 2-5” on the ground by the Monday morning report.

Dry air invades the area for Monday and Tuesday leading to beautiful days and cool nights. A complex storm currently in the Gulf of Alaska will begin influencing our weather on Wednesday as a piece of energy breaks off and travels over our area around then. This is a fast moving storm, and will be quickly followed by the main storm as it enters the west coast on Thursday.

This storm is currently forecast to be very cold, similar to the storms before this current warm storm cycle established itself several weeks ago. Details will evolve as we get closer to the main event near the end of the workweek.

Reiterating the current forecast

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Steamboat ski area reported 3” at mid / summit this morning, and their 11am update reported an additional 1” mid / 2” summit. A couple of embedded waves in moist northwest flow pass by the area tonight and again later Friday into Saturday morning, keeping snow going through Saturday. Another fast moving wave passes over the area Sunday night increasing snowfall again before the sun reappears later Monday.

I really don’t have many changes to the previous forecast other than expecting more snow from the Sunday night wave. About 6-12” of snow are expected by tomorrow morning with tonight’s wave as there is some cool air associated with it. Snows decrease early in the day and temperatures warm, however, snow should increase later in the day as the second and weaker wave grazes our area that evening into Saturday morning. I expect another 4-8” for the Saturday morning report as very light snow or snow showers continues through the much of the day.

Snows will lighten and may end, or not, late Saturday or early Sunday before the last fast moving wave in this storm cycle affects our area by late in the day Sunday. This is a compact and fast moving system that will likely leave 4-8” on hill for the Monday morning report.

We should have a beautiful couple of days with seasonably warm temperatures early in the workweek before a grazing wave passes near our area midweek. The model trends have been weakening this storm, and the current forecast for precipitation is uncertain.

A cold and significant trough is forecast by several models to enter the west coast later in the workweek. This may begin affecting our weather by the end of the workweek as the flow backs to the southwest ahead of the storm, and a cold and snowy weekend may be in our future as the trough is currently forecast to move over our area around then.

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