Tempest Weather Station
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Fall colors above 9500 feet

Monday, September 23, 2013

After an interminable monsoon and a very wet September, fall colors are appearing above above about 9500 feet, at least as of the fall equinox. A storm blew threw last night and we also have our first snow about half way up Mt. Werner. The colors started later than usual due to the warm and wet conditions in the first part of the month, but it appears the color will be good this year, although not long-lasting due to the late start.

Looking down Sunshine Loop

The picture on the left was taken on the Sunshine Trail in the Priest Creek area looking down toward Rendezvous Lodge. The picture on the right is taken on Pet’s Wicked Trail just above the intersection with Cathy’s Cutoff.

looking up Pete's Wicked Trail just above Cathy's Cutoff

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25 September 2024

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