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Weekend warming followed by increasing work week moisture

Thursday, August 17, 2017

A surge of cool air moving southward from the North Pole has created a wave in the polar jet stream that is currently passing through Montana and the Dakotas A weak cool front associated with this wave will be dragged through the Steamboat Springs area overnight with little sensible effects on our weather.

The western ridge rebuilds behind the wave, bringing warmer temperatures and drier air for the weekend, with only a small chance of afternoon storms. Concurrently, another surge of cooler air from the northern latitudes produces an additional wave that crosses the southern British Columbia coast on Friday. This will temper the strength of the ridge as the bulk of the storm again travels north of our area.

Notably, part of that wave splits and forms a trough of low pressure off the California coast that loiters there for at least part of the work week. As this trough forms over the weekend, the upper level flow backs from the northwest to the southwest, and mid and upper level moisture increases by late in the weekend, especially for areas to our south.

This could threaten the viewing of the 2017 solar eclipse on Monday, though right now it appears there is enough dry air lurking to our north to keep the clouds at bay for the Steamboat Springs event. Areas further south might not be as fortunate. And for those traveling north to Wyoming to view the spectacle, the chances for mostly cloud-free viewing are higher.

The western ridge is forecast to amplify further through the work week, bringing even warmer temperatures to the area. While models eventually move the California trough eastward, attendant with good chances for rain, the European ECMWF has trended slower than the American GFS. The slower solution allows the western ridge to rebuild, and the ECMWF then has the trough lifting northwest of our area, keeping conditions much drier than the American model for the end of the work week.

Active weather decreases midweek followed by weekend warming

Monday, August 14, 2017

The Steamboat Springs area is under an active weather regime for August as the polar jet stream dips a bit further south than average for this time of year. A trough of low pressure that was over the West Coast this past weekend is splitting as it moves inland even as additional cool air from the North Pole moves southward across Alaska and takes its place over the next week.

There will be continued chances of storm for today and Tuesday, including the overnight hours, as several cool fronts from the northern part of the split interact with energy ejecting out of the trailing southern part of the split.

The active weather diminishes around Wednesday as the late summer western ridge rebuilds, though another trough from the Gulf of Alaska is forecast move across the northern states late in the work week and limit the strength of the ridge. Current forecasts drag another weak cool front through the area Friday morning, with the western ridge growing stronger over the weekend and bringing much warmer temperatures to our area.

There should be enough moisture, however, for a chance of afternoon storms through the rest of the work week and extending into the weekend before another Gulf of Alaska storm approaches the West Coast mid-weekend and splits like the past several storms. Numerical models currently advertise a similar evolution for that storm, with the main part traveling north of our area early next week and the southern part taking up residence off the coast of California.

Weather slowly turns more seasonable for the week ahead

Thursday, August 10, 2017

A ridge of high pressure in British Columbia is sandwiched between a strong storm in the Gulf of Alaska and a broad trough of low pressure over the eastern two thirds of the country. Energy traveling southward from western Canada along the east side of the ridge has brought a series of cool fronts through the Steamboat Springs area this past week. Additionally, a weak area of low pressure off the northern California coast has supplied a steady stream of moisture for our area, and this combined with the cool fronts has brought significant moisture to the Yampa Valley.

Additional cold air dropping into the Gulf of Alaska first elongates the storm located there southward before moving it eastward early in the next work week. As this happens, the old low pressure area off the northern California coast gets kicked east-northeastward on Friday. Brief ridging occurs over our area on Friday ahead of that leading to a slight chance of afternoon storms.

However, pieces of the old California low will move over our area on Saturday and Sunday, and combine with a couple more surges of cool air from the north to increase the chance of storms for both days again.

There is a fair bit of uncertainty for early next week with respect to the evolution of the Gulf of Alaska storm. At one point it looked like drier westerly flow would overspread the area as the storm traveled to our north, but now there are indications that some of the storm will be left behind off the California coast. It is not clear whether our area will experience a moist southwest flow, which would produce storms for Monday and Tuesday, or a drier westerly flow.

For what it’s worth, models currently agree that the midweek period will be drier, though the following weekend may be affected by energy left off the California coast that eventually propagates inland.

Unsettled and cool for the week ahead

Monday, August 7, 2017

A ridge of high pressure over British Columbia, a large trough of low pressure over the eastern two thirds of North America and a small, diffuse trough of low pressure located off the northern California coast will influence our weather this week.

A number of cool fronts will pass through the Steamboat Springs area this work week courtesy of the generally northwest flow between the ridge to our west and the trough to our east. Additionally, upper level energy and moisture will periodically eject across the Great Basin from the diffuse low off the northern California coast, creating an active weather regime for Steamboat Springs this work week.

The exact timing of the cool fronts from the north and energy from the west are difficult to forecast due to their subtle nature. Generally active weather with cooler than average temperatures are expected this week as the weather pattern is fairly constant, with breaks between the periods of active weather.

By the end of the work week, a powerful storm that was spinning in the Gulf of Alaska begins to move toward the Pacific Northwest coast. This storm will not only kick the nearly stationary northern California low well to our northwest, but will also force the Pacific Northwest ridge eastward.

There will be a brief battle between another surge of cooler to our north and the building ridge of high pressure around Friday, with current model solutions bringing warming and some drying to northern Colorado by the weekend as the ridge eventually wins the battle. Though the weather will dry considerably, there will still be a chance of afternoon storms for the weekend as residual moisture is heated and lifted.

There is considerable uncertainty with regards to the Gulf of Alaska storm and how it may affect our weather for the following work week.

Mostly dry before unsettled weather appears heading into next week

Thursday, August 3, 2017

A weak and dry cool front has passed through the Steamboat Springs area early this morning as cool air from western Canada was pulled southward along the east side of a building Gulf of Alaska ridge. Smoke from the Montana wildfires was also brought southwards over our area in the north-northwest flow producing the current hazy conditions.

Northern Colorado will be affected by three distinct weather regimes over the next week; a couple more weak cool fronts currently timed for Saturday and Sunday mornings, a tongue of dry air to our northwest associated with the Gulf of Alaska ridge, and a diffuse area of low pressure off the coast of northern California.

Drier air has spread over our area behind this morning’s cool front, and will remain in place until the next weak cool front on Saturday. As is the case today, there is not much moisture associated with the Saturday wave, but there may be some afternoon and evening storms as weak upper-level forcing moves over the area before the drier air briefly returns overnight.

The second weak front for Sunday will be a bit stronger and moister, yielding better chances for afternoon storms.

By Monday, we begin to feel the influence of the low pressure system off of Northern California as energy begins to eject eastward across the Great Basin. These waves will not only carry moisture and energy over our area starting later Monday and lasting through the work week, but will also mix with several more weak surges of cool western Canadian air still moving southward along the east side of the Gulf of Alaska ridge for a good chance of wetting rains each day.

The old Northern California low pressure system is forecast to move across the Great Basin and be east of our area by around next weekend, though the timing is uncertain as models disagree with how quickly cold air drops into the Gulf of Alaska and moves the ridge of high pressure eastward towards the Intermountain region.

Models agree on eventually returning drier air over our area when this happens, though perhaps briefly, as pieces of the new Gulf of Alaska storm may begin affecting our weather soon after that.

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