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A couple of chances of precipitation next week after a nice weekend

Friday, October 7, 2016

Temperatures are rebounding nicely in Steamboat Springs today after a chilly start under clear skies behind the departing storm system. After another chilly start Saturday morning, temperatures will continue to warm through the weekend as a flat ridge moves over the area.

A weak wave moving south of us from the southwestern U.S. may bring some clouds to the area on Sunday, but any precipitation should be confined to southern Colorado.

By Monday, a wave from western Canada will move southward along a sharp and unstable ridge along the Canadian coast and phase with some Pacific energy undercutting the ridge and moving across the desert southwest. Though the cool air from Canada looks to affect mainly the Front Range on Tuesday, increasing moisture and instability ahead of these disturbances brings a chance of precipitation to Steamboat Springs later Monday and especially through Tuesday with likely high snow levels. 

At this point, Wednesday is forecast to be dry before more substantial Pacific energy undercuts the rapidly disappearing ridge off the Canadian coast. Though models have trended weaker with the undercutting energy traveling over our area by Thursday, there may still be a chance of showers with high snow levels.

Interestingly, the breakdown of that unstable ridge also allows cool air from western Canada to move westward into the Gulf of Alaska by late in the work week, pumping up a temporary ridge over the Intermountain West and advertising another beautiful weekend. The storm that develops in the Gulf of Alaska over that weekend my affect our weather the following work week.

Storm to affect our weather this week

Sunday, October 2, 2016

A Pacific storm that has crossed the West Coast this morning will race across the Great Basin tonight. The storm has evolved considerably since Thursday’s forecast with the storm now forecast to be comprised of two distinct pieces. The first part of the storm is about a day faster and drier, bringing a cool front through the Steamboat Springs area during the day Monday. Breezy southwest flow will veer to the west and northwest when the front passes with a band of showers moving through around noon or early afternoon.

The brunt of the storm will be deflected to our north by a ridge of high pressure over the central US. with some drying advertised over our area behind the front later Monday into Tuesday. Despite the drier weather, temperatures will be cool on Tuesday as additional energy from the northwest keeps cool air flowing into the region.

Multiple waves of additional energy will keep temperatures cool and eventually moisten the atmosphere, bringing showers back into our area for Wednesday. It will be cold enough for snow on Mt. Werner, and we may see some snowflakes in the valley around Wednesday afternoon or evening.

The waves of energy continue for Thursday and into the overnight, with continued snow on Mt. Werner and snow showers likely in the valley. While accumulations on the still-warm paved surfaces are unlikely, there may be some accumulations on the grassy areas.

Warming and drying is advertised to start Friday after a chilly start to the day and last through the weekend behind the the last wave that is forecast to cross the area Thursday night.

For those that plan travel to the East Coast over Columbus Day weekend, be aware that long range models have a hurricane threatening the East Coast. There is still lots of uncertainty, though, as not only may the track of the hurricane change, but it may or may not interact with the second part of our forecast storm as it moves eastward.

Warm with mix of sun and showers before snow around Tuesday

Thursday, September 29, 2016

An incoming Pacific storm to our northwest and tropical and sub-tropical weather systems to our southwest will affect the Steamboat Springs weather over the next week. Southwesterly flow ahead of the Pacific storm, currently located off the Pacific Northwest coast, has brought moisture left over from last week’s storm and a tropical storm near Baja over Colorado. There is a good chance of nocturnal showers tonight as a wave of energy moves just west of Steamboat Springs after midnight.

We will also have a good chance of showers during the day on Friday as the airmass continues to moisten and additional energy from the southwest travels over the area. 

Drier air invades the area for the weekend in still warm southwest flow with afternoon showers possible, more so on Saturday than Sunday.

Meanwhile, some cold air from western Canada will mix with the Northwest Pacific storm, causing it to split with a significant part of the storm forming a closed low that sinks southward along the West Coast over the weekend. By Sunday, the Pacific jet stream undercuts a transient ridge in the Gulf of Alaska  and forces the closed low to make landfall around northern California. 

The storm will move across the Great Basin on Monday, with relatively dry southwest flow ahead of the storm keeping warm conditions over our area with a slight chance of Monday afternoon showers.

However, the summery weather will come to an abrupt end Monday night as current forecasts have a strong cold front associated with the storm moving through the area. We will likely see moderate to heavy precipitation with the front, and snow levels will plummet to the valley floor, with the season’s first snowflakes likely falling in town on Tuesday. The warm road surfaces will likely preclude accumulations, but snow on the grassy surfaces is certainly possible.

Additional energy will keep the precipitation going on a likely dreary Wednesday with brisk northwest winds before current forecasts have the storm moving east of our area by Thursday. For those that plan travel to the East Coast over Columbus Day weekend, be aware that long range models have a hurricane threatening the East Coast for the end of the work week. There is lots of uncertainty, though, as not only may the track of the hurricane change, but it may or may not interact with either our last week’s storm currently spinning in the Ohio River Valley or our forecast storm for next week.


Beautiful start to the week before warm moisture returns around midweek and the weekend

Monday, September 26, 2016

A building western ridge will keep warming temperatures and sunny skies with cool nights around through tomorrow and some of Wednesday.

Part of this past weekend’s storm that broke southwestward from the parent circulation is currently spinning near Baja and will be joined by a tropical disturbance moving northward. Meanwhile, additional cold air from the northern latitudes will strengthen a Gulf of Alaska storm and move it southward by midweek.

Southwest flow ahead of the Pacific storm will shear the Baja disturbances into a series of waves that will move northeastward, increasing moisture over our area later Wednesday and leading to the possibility of showers as early as later Wednesday and lasting through Friday.

Following closely on the heels of these Baja disturbances, additional energy starts to eject from the Gulf of Alaska storm that is forecast to be off the Pacific Northwest coast by Friday. This energy will move over the area in continued warm southwest flow, threatening continued showers in warm temperatures through the weekend.

By late in the weekend, numerical guidance has upstream Pacific energy undercutting a rapidly building ridge behind Pacific Northwest storm which forces the storm eastward. Some sort of cool front is forecast to pass through the Steamboat Springs area early in the next work week, followed by cool and unsettled weather as the storm slowly moves across the Great Basin.

Cool and wet start to the weekend followed first by drying and then warming

Thursday, September 22, 2016

The gusty southwest winds observed over Colorado today are due to the large storm currently residing in the Great Basin that is rapidly approaching our area. There may be a chance of showers later today as pieces of energy are ejected from the storm, but the bulk of the precipitation will occur along and behind the strong cold front, which is timed to pass through the Steamboat Springs area Friday morning.

There should be moderate to heavy showers when the front passes, bringing snow levels down to 8000′ or even lower in the heavier cells. Showers will continue intermittently in the cool, moist and unstable flow behind the front on Friday with some accumulating snows likely around pass levels.

Some energy will dig south from another wave traveling westward through western Canada, reinforcing the cold air and contributing to another cool and showery day on Saturday. Additional trailing energy will keep the cold air around for Sunday, though this piece of energy is forecast to keep moving south, causing the storm to elongate and allowing dry air to infiltrate Colorado from north to south during the day. There should be some spectacular scenery as the sun appears over colorful aspen and snow-covered peaks.

With clearing skies on Sunday and a last push of cool air from energy rotating around the backside of the storm forecast to be to our northeast by then, Monday morning will be cold with a hard freeze likely. Temperatures will be slow to recover under sunny skies until Tuesday when a building western ridge brings temperatures back to or above normal. The ridge will likely keep another round of brilliant weather around for most of the rest of the work week.

There is uncertainty in the forecast for the end of the week as some of the southward moving energy from this weekend’s storm meanders south of the Mexican border and possibly coalesces with a tropical storm moving northward from Baja midweek. The southwest flow ahead of another Pacific Northwest storm moving southward from the Gulf of Alaska late in the work week is forecast to move these southern systems into the southwestern US and they may threaten our weather by next weekend.

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